Auto Services

German Auto Services

Mercedes Benz Mechanic —  V6 Engine Pistons and Crankshaft in San Diego, CA
German Auto Center Inc. offers a complete array of services for everything your vehicle may require other than upholstery and body work and encourage you to call us to discuss your specific situation. Some of the frequent services offered at German Auto Center are listed below with some additional information for you.  
  • Expert & Accurate Diagnosis

    Servicing German automobiles requires an extensive level of know-how as well as a myriad of vehicle-specific diagnostic equipment. This makes it very difficult for the average general auto repair shop to properly deal with and diagnose issues with these cars. The days of the jack of all trades are over and you have to specialize and concentrate on a subset of all the vehicles out there. We have selected to specialize in the best automobiles in the world – German vehicles, and are at your service if you own one. You can count on us to diagnose your vehicle’s issues accurately and prescribe the best remedy for any given situation. 

  • Warranty-Compliance Service

    Because we specialize in German vehicles, we are intimately familiar with requirements for compliance with the original warranty for these cars. You will not violate or jeopardize your warranty by getting your vehicle serviced at German Auto Center. We can also help customers with identifying repairs and factory recalls that they may be entitled to have performed by the dealership under warranty. Dealerships will not identify and flag warranty work when servicing vehicles at their facilities unless the customer specifically complains about it. You may take your vehicle in for a service and the dealership may discover there are warranty related issues pending but they will not bring it to your attention if you did not say anything about it. 

  • Preventative Maintenance, Service & Repair

    We encourage our customers to bring their vehicles in once a year or every 5,000 miles for an oil change service as well as a thorough inspection. We go through the car with a fine tooth comb and generate a detailed report of the current status of the vehicle. We will identify what repairs may be pending along with their associated cost estimates. You will know the exact condition of your vehicle and will not be surprised with an unexpected breakdown on the road. We are well aware that vehicle manufacturers are increasing their recommended oil change service intervals based on claims that synthetic oil used in newer vehicles tends to last longer but we have witnessed the adverse results of extended oil service intervals and carbon buildups that suffocate the performance of an otherwise healthy engine and valve train. Auto manufacturers are trying to lower the carbon footprint of their vehicle by extending the service intervals while disregarding the resulting premature demise of these vehicles as the consequence.

  • Engine & Transmission Service, Rebuild or Replacement

    German-engineered vehicles feature some of the best-designed and proven drive-trains manufactured to last for many years of productive service life. We specialize on keeping these fine drive-trains going and extending the life of your vehicle once you start approaching higher mileages. We offer valve jobs whereby the cylinder head is removed and machined back to its original specs, short block overhauls whereby the cylinders, pistons, rings, bearings, crankshaft and related components are replaced. We also perform preventative transmission service and/or replacement as required.

  • Brakes

    When your brake pads are worn close to their minimum thickness, a warning message will be displayed in your instrument cluster alerting you of this condition. We recommend you contact us immediately and arrange for an inspection and verification of the situation.  We can replace the brake pads, the wear sensors and brake discs (if needed based on measured thickness) within a couple of hours and get you safely back on the road again.

  • Suspension System & Wheel Alignment

    The legendary road-handling performance of German automobiles is one of the main reasons people love to drive these cars. However, suspension system components can wear out and develop some play over time.  We can make sure your suspension system is performing as it should be and if not, help you get it back to that legendary performance that you were used to getting from your car. We also have our own wheel alignment rack and can correct your vehicle’s alignment to prevent premature tire wear and provide improved road handling for your car.

  • Electrical & Electronics Systems Diagnosis & Repair

    We have extensive knowledge and expertise in troubleshooting electrical and electronic systems as well as access to all technical material and electrical diagrams for your vehicle. This combination allows us to perform electrical diagnostics and repairs in a timely manner and at minimum costs in order to get you back on the road again.

  • Cooling System Work; Radiator, Water Pumps &, Belts
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  • Air conditioning Service
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  • Extended Warranty Protection Plans

    We are experts in dealing with after-market warranty companies if you have invested in a protection plan for your car. We will inspect, estimate and submit your claim to insurance companies and will go to bat for you trying to get as much coverage as possible based on your specific policy. Please contact us if you are shopping for such warranty plans so we can advise you which ones offer the best value and which ones to stay away from.

  • "Check Engine” Light & “Service Engine Soon” Light

    “Check Engine” or “Service Engine Soon” light is a warning that your vehicle will display if there is an issue affecting the emissions from your vehicle. Such faults may or may not affect the running condition of the car but you will need to make sure this light is not on when trying to smog test your car. We have all the diagnostic equipment required to interact with your vehicle and identify the cause of the light and provide a remedy to deal with the problem. One of the most common causes of the “Check Engine” light coming on is the gas cap not tightened properly causing fuel vapor leakage from the gas tank.

  • Light Bulbs, Windshield Wipers & Accessories

    There are a myriad of light bulbs & LCDs utilized in an average automobile. We stock a wide range of German bulbs and fittings manufactured by Wurth and can usually get them replaced while you wait. We also stock high quality Bosch windshield wipers for those few rainy days we get here in San Diego. We generally advise against making major modifications to the original vehicle configurations but are here for you if you’d like to discuss installing optional accessories and equipment to your vehicle. 

  • Theft Relevant Parts (TRP)

    All replacement parts and components that may facilitate the possible theft of a vehicle (such as keys and ignition switches, etc.) are now restricted by Federal law and can only be purchased from dealerships by repair shops that have registered with the National Automotive Service Task Force (NASTF) and gone through an extensive security background checks as well as obtained additional bonding. We have all the required certifications and bonding coverage and are able to purchase and install such Theft-Relevant parts without having to send you to the dealerships. We must verify and prove your ownership of the vehicle by submitting a copy of your drivers’ license and the vehicle registration form showing your name as the owner to NASTAF when ordering your part(s). NASTAF will review and verify the order and then forward it to a local dealership to supply the part(s) to our shop to proceed with the repairs.

  • 2 Years/24,000 Miles Standard Warranty

    We fully stand behind the work performed at our facility by providing you with a 2 years/24,000 miles limited warranty. We also use nothing but OEM and/or best replacement parts available even though they typically cost more and lower our profit margin in order to minimize complications and come-backs due to premature failure of cheaper replacement parts. 

We offer all of the following car care services:

  • Service A and B
  • Inspection I and II
  • Fuel Injection
  • Transmissions
  • Electrical Work
  • Sunroofs
  • Engine Overhauls
  • Brakes
  • Shocks and Struts
  • Air Conditioning
  • Cooling Systems
  • Assorted Mechanical Work
  • Troubleshooting
  • Service A, B and C for Mercedes Vehicles
  • Inspection I and II for BMWs

Our goal is to keep your car at its peak performance level. Contact us today for more information or service.

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